Joseph C Edmiston, EIT

I am

About me
Engineer & Programmer

Hi, I’m Joseph Edmiston. I’ve never been great at writing an about me section but here goes nothing!

I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Civil Engineering (GO CATS!) and I currently work for the City of Lexington, Kentucky as an Associate Traffic Engineer. As a traffic engineer I am an advocate of safe streets that work for everyone, not just those in cars. I keep some of my thoughts and the great resources I’ve found on safe streets here.

And if I didn’t go into Civil Engineering I would probably have gone into Software Engineering instead. I really enjoy Python and have written too many scripts mostly to help in automating my everyday tasks. I can also be dangerous in Swift and a few other web development languages. While not strictly a test in writing an entire program I have slightly customized this site built on WordPress and hosted it over on Linode. I’ll try to keep this site up to date with my programming foibles.

Other than that I enjoy listening to too many podcasts and audiobooks to count, not to mention sitcoms, idk what to say they just get me hooked!